Mighty Forces research in the news

‘Just a quick note to share that the self-promotion gap research I led in partnership with two other women-owned businesses has been featured in a range of media outlets, including:

U.S. News and World Report
The self-promotion gap is holding women back at work

Boss Betty
Building your personal brand on LinkedIn does not have to feel like swimsuit shopping, we promise. Here’s how to do it.
(by yours truly)

Women’s key to business success - brag more

Check these articles out, or go straight to the source for a recap of our findings. Shout-out once again to my awesome partners in this effort: Southpaw Insights, Upstream Analysis, and Grey Horse Communications. Collaboration between women business owners FTW!

Amanda Hirsch

I help change makers and creative souls find the words and create the platform to show the world who they are. Because authenticity + agency = hope.


Why you must share your ideas


Shift your mindset: Self-promotion = education