Mighty Forces story circles: You don't need to tell your story alone

I want to tell you about something new I’m offering that I am VERY excited about: Mighty Forces story circles. I hosted my first one last week, and the feedback was incredible:

“Amanda, that story circle was truly amazing. With the help of just a few words of advice from you, and the energy of the group, I was able to refocus my writing to better convey the value of what I offer in an important email to a client.”

- Monica

“Your belief in women — in me — is palpable, even through a computer screen. Our Story Circle time was fun and productive. I left feeling infused with hope and joy.”

- Christine

I believe these circles meet a real need I’m hearing from the women I work with. Plus, gathering with other women is always magical, and fuels us in more ways than are always immediately visible.

Why story circles?

I wanted to create more opportunities for women to tell their stories in community with each other. I want you to feel the strength, ease, and joy that comes when you realize that you don’t have to tell your stories all alone. The things that feel hard for you feel hard for the rest of us, too — whether it’s the logistical challenge of making time to write that blog post/ update your LinkedIn profile/ whathaveyou, or the more fundamental challenge of believing that sharing your story is as important (more important, even) than all the other things on your to-do list that are keeping you so busy.

How a Mighty Forces story circle works

Where: Zoom

When: Every Friday from 3:30-4:30pm ET/ 2:30-3:30pm CT/ 1:30-2:30pm MT/ 12:30-1:30pm PT

What to expect:

  • A chance to practice introducing yourself - Hint: this is a form of telling your story, and doing it in just a couple of sentences in a way that feels good to you and is clear and compelling for other people is something that I find is difficult for everyone, no matter how experienced or confident they may seem. You’ll also learn a LOT from observing how other people introduce themselves. (If you’d like one-on-one help from me in crafting this language, consider booking a spark session.)

  • A chance to get shit done - We’ll go around and share what we’re going to work on — and then we’ll mute ourselves for 20 minutes and DO IT.

    “It” might be:

    • writing a blog post,

    • updating your LinkedIn profile,

    • writing a thoughtful and strategic LinkedIn post

    • working on your newsletter,

    • writing key emails,

    • updating your out-of-date website copy,

    • and more!

    It is amazing what you can get done in 20 minutes when you aren’t checking email, Twitter, etc. After 20 minutes we’ll regroup and share how it went, and then we’ll close our time together and go on our merry way.

What it costs:

The best deal of all: When you subscribe to the paid version of Mighty Forces Express ($59/year or $5.99/month), it includes a monthly story circle… along with several other perks like expert interviews with amazing women leaders. That’s over 30% off the cost of buying 12 drop-in passes and you’re getting other value on top of that to help you on your journey to tell your story in bigger and better ways. Then, if you want to supplement and attend additional story circles, you can buy passes by the bundle or on a drop-in basis.

I hope to see you in a story circle soon!

Amanda Hirsch

I help change makers and creative souls find the words and create the platform to show the world who they are. Because authenticity + agency = hope.


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